Terms & Conditions
The Pet Memorial Photographers Website is wholly owned by Sarah Beth Photography, LLC and protected under United States copyright law.
Listing a business on this website in no way guarantees increased inquiries, bookings or sales. Sarah Beth Photography, LLC is not responsible for communications made through this website.
Any photographer who offer end-of-life sessions for pets is welcome to register and create a free listing or purchase a membership at petmemorialphotographers.com
Free Listings: Free Listings include your business name and website, and are listed in alphabetical order at the bottom of search results.
Basic Memberships: Basic Memberships are available for $25 for ONE (1) year, payable via credit card. They include your name, business name, website, contact information and logo, and are published in alphabetical order. Memberships are auto-renewing and may be canceled at any time.
Premium Memberships: Premium Memberships are available for $99 for ONE (1) year, payable via credit card. They include your name, business name, website, contact information, social media icons, logo, up to eight (8) images, business description, a contact form, and a Premium Member Badge for their own website. Premium Photographers also receive an Exclusive PDF Guide (see below), and membership in a Private Facebook Group (see below). Memberships are auto-renewing and may be canceled at any time.
Member Pages: All Basic, Premium, and Nonprofit Members will have and maintain their own individual Member Pages. There is a limit ONE (1) Member Page per paid membership. Sarah Beth Photography, LLC is not responsible for any correspondence made through the contact forms on Member Pages or anywhere on the Website.
Search Results: Premium Member listings will appear on search results pages alphabetically above Basic Listings, and link to individual Member Pages.
Exclusive PDF Guide: When a Premium Photographer Membership is purchased, Premium Photographer Members will receive a link to download the exclusive PDF Guide: Tips for Successful End-of-Life Pet Photography Sessions. This guide is Copyright Sarah Beth Photography, LLC, and may not be sold, distributed, or otherwise shared with any third party. The PDF Guide is not available to anyone who is not a Premium Photographer Member on petmemorialphotographers.com
Private Facebook Group: Premium Photographer Members will have access to a Private Facebook Group, where they can connect with other Premium Photographer Members to discuss business or photography issues, share stories, and provide support with each other.
Intellectual Property: Businesses listed on this site may link to the site, discuss on their own websites, and promote their listing, but may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or otherwise claim creation or ownership of petmemorialphotographers.com, or any part thereof.
Any User uploading images or content anywhere on the Pet Memorial Photographers website, blog or Facebook page warrants that he or she is the copyright holder of that material, and has the legal right and authority to all uploaded content. Sarah Beth Photography, LLC shall not be held liable for any listed business who violates copyright laws.
Sarah Beth Photography, LLC makes no copyright claims to user-submitted content. Individual businesses retain all rights in their text and images. By registering on the site, users grant Sarah Beth Photography, LLC a gratis license to post and promote their content and agree that their submitted content may be used for promotional and marketing purposes for petmemorialphotographers.com. Image credits to the copyright holder will be displayed in any instance of use.
Grounds for Termination: If a user violates any copyright or trademark laws, (including but not limited to: use of the “Joy Session®” name without permission or claims to any ownership of petmemorialphotographers.com or Facebook.com/petmemorialphotographers ; distributes, shares, or sells the Exclusive PDF Guide; or any other textual or image copyright infringements against any other business) posts abusive or vulgar content on the petmemorialphotographers.com website, the Pet Memorial Photographers Facebook page, or the Premium Member private Facebook group, or otherwise acts in any way that reflects poorly upon the mission of petmemorialphotographers.com, Sarah Beth Photography, LLC reserves the right to remove that listing and cancel any Membership without refund.
Cancellations and Refunds: Memberships are purchased for 1 full year, as an automatically renewing subscription. Businesses may turn off the auto-renewal and cancel their listings at any time. Cancelled Memberships will remain on the website until the end of the subscription term, at which time the listing will be removed. The user may delete their listing manually before the end of the subscription term. No refunds will be given for memberships terminated or cancelled, either by petmemorialphotographers.com or the members themselves, regardless of any time remaining from the purchase.
Upgrading and Downgrading: Basic Members may upgrade to a Premium Membership at any time, and Premium Members may downgrade to a Basic Membership or Free Listing at any time. Free Listings may upgrade to either a Basic or Premium Membership.
Users agree to list accurate information to represent their businesses.
“Joy Session®” is a registered trademark and may not be used by anyone, without an express license from Sarah Beth Photography, LLC.
Sarah Beth Photography, LLC will not sell any information acquired through this site to any third party.
Terms, options and fees may change at any time, with or without notice.